



Jane resisted all the way to the red-room, which undoubtedly strengthened the bad opinion Bessie and ***bbot entertained of her while they carried her to the designated place to implement the lockdown. They thrust the little girl on a low ottoman and threatened to tie her down if she refused to stay still on the stool. Seeing her dare not to stir, they left and locked the room so that Jane was left alone in a chilly, silent, solemn and dark chamber, bleeding and sobbing. Looking into the mirror, she saw a strange little figure gazing at herself with a white face and arms and glittering eyes of fear.


The mood of the revolted slave was bracing Jane with its bitter vigour. She felt unjust for general opprobrium against her who just acted in self-defense to avert farther violence and she did not understand why it was her who was always accused and condemned. ***s time went by, she grew by degrees cold as a stone and her courage sank with the rise of habitual mood of humiliation, self-doubt and forlorn depression.



The red-room was the bedroom of the Reeds when Mr. Reed, Jane’s uncle, was alive nine years ago, but it was also where Mr. Reed breathed the last and lay in state. The chamber was seldom entered after his death. Only maids came on Saturdays to wipe dust from mirrors and furniture. Recalling the death of her uncle, she remembered that he had made his wife promise to take good care of her before leaving the world. She had heard people saying that dead men might return to the earth once their last wishes were violated. She wiped her tears and hushed her sobs, fearful lest any sign of grief would waken his uncle’s soul.


Suddenly a beam of light gleamed on the wall and it was thought by this terrified and nervous girl as a herald of a guest from another world. She freaked out, rushed to the door, shook the lock and yelled for help. Bessie and ***bbot appeared. She begged them to take her back to the nursery. But Mrs. Reed arrived then. Considering her acts as children’s artifice, she felt her violence repulsive and decided to prolong the lockdown by one hour. Jane fell into unconsciousness soon after they left with the door locked.











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